Thursday, February 16, 2012

Myers Briggers test

Result Notes

According to this I don't have any extreme personality qualities. To be honest I have had my choices narrowed down to two places being the Scripps Transnational Science Institute or the San Diego Zoo. Both of which I have contacts and connections to.

slightly expressed extravert
slightly expressed sensing personality
slightly expressed feeling personality
moderately expressed judging personality

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Garden Weed observations and identifiactions

Weed 1- Burning Nette , Urtica urens
Color - Green with a magenta/red stem
Shape - Pinnasect
Edge - Serrate
Venation - Pinnate
Top and bottom difference - Bottom is noticeably lighter colored.
Top feel - Smooth, but with bumpy prominent veins.

Weed 2- Shepard's purse, Capsella bursa-pastoris
Color - Muddy Green
Shape - Obrerate
Tip - Double-round
Edge - Smooth
Vennation - No prominent veins
Petiole - No
Top and bottom difference - Bottom of the leaves are greener
Top feel -Plastic/wax type of feel

Weed 3- Quackgrass, Elytriagia repens
Color - Light green stem with green leaves
Shape - Alternate
Edge - Smooth
Vennation - Parallel
Petiole - No
Top and bottom differences - Bottom has a folded dent type of shape
Top feel - Very smooth.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Endersession ideas

Idea 1 - STSI
I recently did an internship there over the summer. I made some connections and its a very interesting place to go if you're interested in biomedical research.

Idea 2 - Scripps Green Hospital
During my summer intership I also got connections to physicians who might take interns. Its interesting to see the inside and get a feel for what its like to have a medical profession.

Idea 3 - San Diego Zoo
Its where I did my last internship and the people there were very nice. I worked in the horticultural department but people from other departments were open to taking interns when I mentioned and explained intersession.